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Application Management in Clarity

February 12th, 2025

2 min read

By Admin

Most Recent Utilization 

  • Total Web Users — the total number of active user sessions 
  • Enterprise Server CPU Utilization — the percent of CPU in use by the Enterprise server. If this number is consistently low, consider downsizing. You may be paying for more than you need. 
  • Web Users by HTML Server — the number of users per server. If the count exceeds 80 users per server, it may be best to add another web server. 
  • Running CallObj Kernels by Server — the balance of call object kernels on all Enterprise servers. 
  • Overall application health — Hover over the metric list for details related to user activity, HTML or Enterprise server performance, system activity, and call object kernels. The threshold color will turn from green to yellow to warn you if an issue requires attention. 

Historical Utilization

Historical utilization data is organized in tabs by User Activity, HTML Servier, Enterprise Server, System Activity, Call Object Kernels, and more. Click the circular arrow beside any chart title to refresh the data. Then, select the diagonal arrow to enlarge. You can also hover over data points to see details or double click to review in-depth metrics.

    User Activity

    • Web User Count per Instance — This chart counts the number of unique sessions originating from available web server instances.
    • Open Applications per Session — Watch for an excessive number of open applications. This can result in unnecessary web server memory consumption and affect overall user performance.
    • Idle Time per Session — Watch for excessive idle time. This can result in unnecessary web server memory consumption and affect overall performance for all users.

    HTML Server

    • Java Heap Used per Instance — This chart records the percentage of memory in use by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) on the webserver. The number is determined by the amount of Java heap memory used against the amount of Java heap memory allocated.
    • Web server Activity — Web server activity refers to the number of bytes written for available socket connections.

    Enterprise Server

    • Server CPU Used per Instance — Server CPU records the total percentage of CPU used by the Enterprise server instance.
    • Server Memory Used per Instance — Server Memory records the total amount of memory (in MB) used by the Enterprise server instance.

    System Activity

    • Manual Open JDB Trans per Ent Server — A three or more in the Manual Open JDB Transactions chart means database activity is increasing. Learn how to lower the number here.
    • Outstanding Requests per Ent Server — This chart shows the number of requests that are queued and waiting for processing by the kernel process. A high number indicates that the kernel is occupied either because of excessive load on the system or because of an issue with the kernel code.
    • Sockets in Use per Ent Server — The number of available socket connections in the connection pool for the Web server instance should remain relatively low. A connection pool is created for each foreign host (i.e., Enterprise server) and is shared among all active user sessions. 
    • Zombie Process per Instance — Here you'll find the number of zombie processes encountered on an enterprise server. A zombie process is any enterprise server process that terminated unexpectedly, is holding resources, and is no longer accepting requests.

    Call Object Kernels

    • Running CallObj Kernels — Check here to see the total number of call object kernels available from Web server instances.
    • Users per CallObj Kernel — The number of web user sessions per available call object kernel should remain below eight for optimal end-user performance. Even lower values are recommended if third-party applications (i.e., Vertex or DSI) are in use.
    • Average CallObj Time per Instance — This chart records the average amount of time, in milliseconds, it takes to perform business function calls per web server. Time above the average may indicate problems with a specific BSFN or overall performance issues with the Enterprise server.
    • CallObj Errors (diff) — Check here for changes in the total number of call object errors (system, timeout, and application) incurred by a business function.


    • Batch Jobs — This is an overview of jobs running on the server and pulling data from tables. You can compare the number of jobs processing with those waiting to process to determine more efficient schedules. Find more details in the Batch Jobs section of Clarity.