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Analyzing batch jobs

October 24th, 2023

1 min read

By Admin

Currently Running

View all active jobs or search for a specific one. The Currently Running table provides details including the current and average runtime (duration) per job. A big difference in these numbers could mean there is an issue.

UBE Analysis – Top 10 Jobs

Scan the Top 10 Jobs table for opportunities to index on a specific table and improve performance. You should always keep an eye out for jobs running longer than they should because it could be a sign of trouble.

Trending – Total Jobs

Gauge the average load on your system by day and hour in Clarity's Trending-Total Jobs bar graph. You can also hover over the bars to view details. Trending data is useful when scheduling maintenance windows. 

Trending – Successful Jobs/Trending – Failed Jobs

Use Clarity's Trending-Successful and Trending-Failed graphs to quickly verify your jobs are running without error. You can compare activity over the past five days up to the last 45 days.