erp news, tips, and strategy

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Comparing 3 Types of JDE Upgrades

In the intricate realm of JD Edwards, keeping your system operating at its optimal condition is non-negotiable. With technology evolving at lightning..
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3 Ways to Maximize Your Company's ERP Investment

In the fast-paced world of business with razor-thin margins and fierce competition, taking full advantage of everything your ERP has to offer is of..
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4 Elements of a JD Edwards Tech Refresh and Cost Considerations

As time marches on, so does technology. iOS versions are updated on an ongoing basis, Windows is updated on an ongoing basis. Every year a new..
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New Orchestrator Studio Features and Tips

The magic behind Orchestrator Studio, the powerful automation tool within JD Edwards that allows users to create and customize business processes and..
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How Clarity Saves JDE Users Time and Money

So you’ve got JD Edwards up and running for your business. What’s the logical next step in the optimization equation? Having a tool to monitor it...
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What Are the Cost Factors of Migrating JDE to the Cloud?

Ok, so you’ve decided to move to the cloud… or your boss told you to. Now what? Next step is to decide on what type of cloud migration project to go..