Comparing Barcode Scanning for JDE: RF Smart vs Cloud Inventory vs Scanability

Are you struggling to choose the best barcode scanning solution for your JD Edwards ERP? You're not alone. Whether you’re an IT manager trying to streamline operations or an operations director looking to improve inventory accuracy, picking the right tool can feel overwhelming. 

At ERP Suites, we understand the importance of making an informed decision.  While we only implement Scanability, our goal is to ensure that you are well-informed. We understand that Scanability may not be the perfect fit for every business, and our priority is to provide you with the knowledge and satisfaction you deserve.

This article will compare three popular barcode scanning solutions:  RFSmart, Cloud Inventory (formerly DSI), and ERP Suites Scanability. By the end, you’ll have a clear understanding of their implementation, architecture, performance, customer support, and cost. You’ll be equipped with the knowledge to choose the best barcode scanning solution for your business.  

What is RF Smart?   

RF Smart is a well-known barcode scanning solution with a comprehensive set of features and integration options. It is a WMS (warehouse management system) solution built to work with Netsuite, Oracle SCM Cloud, JD Edwards and Microsoft Dynamics. It offers advanced scanning capabilities that support both mobile and fixed scanning solutions. You can access detailed analytics and reporting features to support your business goals.   

What is Cloud Inventory (DSI)? 

DSI (Data Systems International, now known as Cloud Inventory) is a comprehensive supply chain management solution that goes beyond traditional barcode scanning to offer complete supply chain visibility. A standout feature is its ability to manage large volumes of data, ideal for businesses with extensive inventory and supply chain operations. The solution is available in both on-premises and cloud deployment models.  

What is Scanability?   

ERP Suites Scanability is a subscription-based solution designed explicitly for JD Edwards users. You can customize workflows, easily add users, and even incorporate your existing scanners.  Scanability also includes support and continuous improvement from JDE consultants at no additional fee.


Key Features and Capabilities

All barcode scanning solutions have certain features inherent to their operation. Some additional options can be proprietary or industry wide. It is important to consider which ones are optimized for your business practices, so you can select the best barcode scanning solution for future success.   

Here are the key criteria we’ll be comparing:   

  RFSmart Cloud Inventory Scanability




Additional Hardware

Additional Server(s)

Additional Server(s)



No store and forward


8:30 - 5:30

24/7 additional

All support additional

24/7 Included


Per user

Users and devices

Tiered per User

Total Cost






Implementation is a large part of the upfront cost of any barcode scanning solution. If you’re going to make a large investment, it’s important to make that investment work. Implementing a scanning solution includes configuring the software and the flows, integrating into your business processes, network and server setup, testing, training, deployment, and more. There are also various post-implementation factors to consider, such as future upgrades. What you do today will influence what you need to do tomorrow and further in the future.  

RF Smart Implementation 

RF Smart is built to integrate with JD Edwards, therefore, its implementation can be seamless. However, it uses traditional JDE objects, not orchestrations. This can mean more time for implementation, but could save time when it comes to troubleshooting. It supports both cloud and on-premises deployments. Implementation time for a standard RF Smart outfit can take several months, depending on the complexity. This puts RF Smart in the middle of the pack in terms of implementation time.  

Cloud Inventory (DSI) Implementation 

Cloud Inventory is not specific to JD Edwards, as it supports a variety of ERP systems. As such, your Cloud Inventory team may not have a JD Edwards expert on hand, which means you may have to hire your own JDE consultant to be sure your ERP is fully supported with your newly selected barcode scanning solution. These outside consultants will range in cost but may be less expensive than Cloud Inventory consultants. There are many consultants who know DSI, so it shouldn’t be a problem finding support. 

Using Cloud Inventory requires you and the consultant to recreate your business functions.  You’ll need the consultant to review and scope the custom scripts DSI requires. This also adds time as it typically takes 2-3 weeks to write each script.  

With the entire environment getting installed you have more overhead and training. Implementing additional servers, databases, and portal (that you host) requires an administrator. One positive from this is the capability of store and forward for offline use. 

As the name implies, Cloud Inventory is a cloud-native solution, but it can support hybrid deployments.

Scanability Implementation 

Of these three options, Scanability offers one of the fastest implementation times. That’s because it is JD Edwards-native, and utilizes Orchestrations, so there is no need to recreate any applications. This also means it’s using your existing business logic already established within your JD Edwards system. As a direct result of this native environment, the timeline to going live is much faster than with other solutions and includes robust testing. Many Scanability implementations can be completed in 7 weeks.  

ERP Suites also prioritizes change management, helping your team drive adoption of your new barcode scanning solution. The Scanability team are all experts in JD Edwards and work with you to get comfortable through formal and informal advisory boards that keep everyone on the same page. This includes working with your trainers to build the training documentation together, so everyone is on the same page.


Required Hardware 

In order to actually use your barcode scanning solution, you need a conduit. Whether that’s an appropriately compatible mobile device, or a specific type of scan gun, there are many options out there for each of these three solutions. Don’t forget about hidden hardware, too, such as servers and printers for labels.  

RF Smart Required Hardware 


RF Smart has varying hardware needs. A specific server for scripting components is necessary adding to the total management and admin cost of the solution. 


Perhaps most essential are the handheld barcode scanners and/or rugged mobile or mountable tablets. RF Smart has recommendations for varieties of both Honeywell and Zebra brand scanners. 


RF Smart supports label printing, however, there are only 9 options listed as certified to work. You may need to update your label printer to one of the specific models they support. 

Cloud Inventory (DSI) Required Hardware 


You will need some beefy hardware to provision Cloud Inventory. First, each DSI environment will require a 4-core CPU application server with 16 GB of RAM. Second, a support server must also be provisioned with similar specifications. Third, a database server must run SQL Server or Oracle Database. Fourth and finally, a Cloud Gateway server with a 4-core CPU and 16 GB of memory may be required. 


They frequently change the scanners they support, so it’s likely that upgrading DSI versions will result in a need to patch new scanners.  


Cloud Inventory supports browser-based label printing and cloud-based printing. This is one of the most flexible label printing options as browser printing doesn’t require downloading software and it supports hundreds of printers.

Scanability Required Hardware 


Since Scanability is based on JD Edwards Orchestrations, it integrates easily with your AIS (Application Interface Services) server, saving you from purchasing and supporting additional servers.  


As such – and unlike traditional barcode scanning solutions – Scanability is not device-dependent. You can evaluate the flow of your business and choose the best type of scanner for ultimate productivity, and avoid expensive scanning hardware you don’t need. However, to function with Scanability, handheld wireless scanners do need to be Android-based. 


Label printing is not included in the Scanability product. This could benefit many businesses as it is easy to integrate with any label printing software and machines you may already have.


Performance and Reliability

If you’re investing in a new barcode scanning solution, you want it to work how you want it to work, when you want it to work. As such, performance and reliability are incredibly important, post-implementation factors to consider.  

RF Smart Performance

It utilizes Named Event Rules (NER) objects, which are compiled and run fast for optimized efficiency. Another advantage of RF Smart is its store-and-forward capability, which is particularly useful should your system ever go offline, meaning no productivity time will be lost on your barcode scanning solution end.

RF Smart offers more than 100 out-of-the-box workflows. However, RF Smart also needs to match your custom processes and data needs. 

Cloud Inventory (DSI) Performance

The product formerly known as DSI was purchased by NextWorld in 2022 and as such, uses Nextworld’s framework. DSI also works on a load balancer, so it doesn’t depend on sessions. Each transaction is independent of any other transaction.  

It relies on custom solutions – customizations already written that need to be modified to match your processes.

Scanability Performance

Because Scanability is Orchestration-based, it is enduringly reliable. It depends on your existing JDE application to do the work necessary – it runs within your network, using your load balancer, and your software, exclusively. Having a fully integrated barcode scanning solution really eliminates a lot of functionality issues that can happen post-implementation with other solutions.   

Scanability offers core flows that are highly customizable via processing options, so customers typically accomplish more with 25+ core flows than they do with hundreds of workflows from other scanning solutions. Also, Scanability can quickly turn standard orchestrations into custom workflows.


Customer Support and Ongoing Service 

From availability and response time to the quality of support offered to customized reports and data analysis, working with a trusted partner means you’re on the receiving end of excellent customer service.   

RF Smart Support

RF Smart offers various support service options in their standard support hours window of 8:30am to 5:30pm, specific to the customer’s respective time zone. If you want comprehensive, 24/7 support, you’ll have to purchase a specific support package.  

RF Smart also has a customer portal to access important documents and resources.  

Cloud Inventory (DSI) Support

Many customers have reported that Cloud Inventory (DSI) is asking them to pay for managed services hours in return for handling questions and inquiries that would traditionally be considered basic support. In fact, Cloud Inventory may require you to purchase managed services hours from them up front before they will answer your inquiry. These managed services hours are usually done on a bucket-of-hours arrangement. So, while you may only need a single answer to a single question, you may be required to pay for a larger support option.  

Customers may also be required to re-up support with a new maintenance agreement from DSI in order to upgrade to 64-bit processing.

Scanability Support

Customer service is not an afterthought with ERP Suites Scanability. The cost of your subscription covers your support needs, including 24/7 support for critical issues. Because Scanability is entirely based in Orchestrations, all of its components are either created in or by an Oracle JD Edwards tool. The online Product Support for Scanability is complete with helpful articles covering implementation, administration and troubleshooting. 

And because we are JD Edwards experts, our support personnel have real-world experience with any problem you could encounter. They understand what companies face in day-to-day JD Edwards and warehouse/supply chain operations, and they know how to smoothly and effectively bring both sides of the equation into balance.


Cost and Pricing

Factors like licensing fees, deployment and implementation costs, support and maintenance, hardware and infrastructure, and more are important components that comprise a barcode scanning solution’s overall price. The number of users and potential customizations can also impact the total cost.   

RF Smart Cost

RF Smart’s pricing is on the higher side, reflecting its extensive features and capabilities. However, it offers good value for businesses that need a versatile and scalable solution. As a cloud-based solution, and therefore subscription-based, RF Smart allows users to choose the length of their contract.  

Other factors that influence RF Smart pricing include user count, functionality bundles, module add-ons, and service and support fees.  

Cloud Inventory (DSI) Cost

While a cloud-native solution, DSI offers a range of pricing options depending on the deployment model (cloud or on-premises) and the specific features you need. Cloud Inventory also uses subscription tiers based on the number of users and devices. It is also important to note this solution may use shared user logins through a proxy, which is against Oracle’s licensing policy. Adding scan guns will increase the total cost.  

Support and maintenance fees are not included in your investment and are calculated as a percentage of your license fees. The percentage of your fees for maintenance likely varies and could be 15-25%. There is also a charge for GUI access to use the development tool. Functionality and the extent of integration with existing systems are also relevant cost factors.

Scanability Cost

ERP Suites Scanability offers competitive pricing with flexible plans to suit different business needs. Whether you’re a small business or a large enterprise, you’ll find a pricing model that fits your budget. That’s because Scanability is offered on subscription tiers, which are based on the number of named users – active people – plus the varying flows selected. 

Most customers with under 100 users should expect to pay $20,000 - $35,000 for licenses, which comes to about $350-$800 per user license. Larger customers will likely pay under $400 per license or $45,000-$60,000. This varies based on which tier you fall into, and you aren't charged for each user license, giving you flexibility to add users if needed. Talk with a Scanability expert to get pricing for your specific needs.  

Scanability also requires flows to be implemented for your organization. These can be standard or tailored to your needs. A standard flow costs about $10,000 each while a tailored flow could add $3,000-$4,000 to the price. Implementation fees per flow are a one-time, non-recurring cost.

It’s important to remember the price for license and flows includes continuous innovation and 24/7 support for critical issues. Scanability also uses your existing server so you won’t need to pay for additional servers.


So, which barcode scanning solution should you choose? Here’s our take on the top solution for varying features.

ERP Suites Scanability is best for fast implementation, which is advantageous if you’re operating within a tight timeframe. This is also a great solution if you update JD Edwards regularly or plan to in the near future. It’s been proven that you can update JD Edwards with zero maintenance and upgrades needed for Scanability to continue working. Scanability is also great for creating tailored flows specific to your business, as it uses existing processes and orchestrations. 

ERP Suites offers continuous improvement with biannual updates. As a JD Edwards-native solution, it comes backed by a team with advanced JD Edwards expertise.  

If you want a newer, modern barcode scanning solution that is native to your JD Edwards ERP, Scanability is your clear choice.  

RF Smart is best for store and forward, offline transactions. It’s advantage comes in most prominently with integrated label management, though you may be required to use the one that RF Smart supports rather than source your own choice. RF Smart also has many years in the business, and it is also JD Edwards-specific, which is always helpful when integrating your existing JDE ERP with a new barcode scanning solution.  

Cloud Inventory has many years of experience. It is great at store and forward transactions, especially if you want to create your own scripts. As it is not JD Edwards-specific, it is best if you’re looking for a hands-off approach to your business processes, as finding a JDE expert within the Cloud Inventory team may prove difficult.  

Additionally, if you’re on an older release of JD Edwards, such as 9.0 or even 8.12 and further back, and don’t want to upgrade, Cloud Inventory can meet you where you are with no extra bells and whistles.  

Ready to switch your barcode scanning solution? We can help.