Why Outsource Your JDE Managed Services

JD Edwards (JDE) is a powerful ERP software suite with near-limitless potential to support and enhance your business practices and profitability, but to tap into its full potential, you’ll need the assistance of experts who know how to properly configure and maintain it. For most businesses, this proves to be a difficult and expensive proposition, as they must hire enough staff to cover their operations on a 24/7 basis. For this, you’ll need at least three full-time CNCs, in addition to personnel with expertise in database, security, operating systems, server maintenance, and other aspects of functional as well as technical support, including complimentary, non-JDE applications, such as DSI and RF-SMART. 

While these requirements can quickly become overwhelming, there’s no need to go it alone. ERP Suites stands ready to help with a team of experienced JD Edwards CNCs and industry experts through our JDE managed services program. 


What is JDE Managed Services?

The goal of our JDE managed services program is to configure and maintain your JD Edwards architecture in such a way as to ensure that your environments are always available and consistently performing at the highest level. The following operations are included with the program: 

  • Object Promotions (including ESUs and ASUs) 
  • Package Builds and Deployments 
  • Tools Refreshes 
  • Patching and Web Generations 
  • Routine Maintenance and System Tuning 
  • 24/7/365 System Monitoring with ERP Suites Clarity 
  • Technology Integration (complimentary, non-JDE applications) 


What is ERP Suites Clarity?

JD Edwards comes with a built-in tool called Server Manager, which allows system administrators to monitor and manage their JD Edwards networks on a fairly high level. ERP Suites Clarity is our proprietary monitoring tool that leverages 100% of Server Manager’s capabilities while greatly expanding on them to allow a more granular view of a system’s overall health. Clarity can be used to easily track user activity and application performance and can even be configured to alert administrators to potential availability and/or performance issues before they can affect your users.  

Clarity was designed by our JD Edwards CNCs—each of whom has an average of more than 15 years of experience—and we’re proud to say that it’s truly the best JD Edwards monitoring system currently available. 


Do Customers Have Access to Clarity?

Clarity was designed for internal use by our JD Edwards CNCs, but we do make access available to our customers for an additional fee. Customers find Clarity beneficial for monitoring user activity and application performance and running their own analytics. 


What about Non-JDE Services?

Although JD Edwards is our specialty, it’s not our only area of expertise. We can also help you with the following common support concerns: 

  • Operating System Updates, Patching, and Performance 
  • VM Maintenance 
  • Server, Storage, and Active Directory Issues 
  • Managing Backups 
  • Performing Database Refreshes
  • Analyzing Security
  • Overall System Health and Fine Tuning
  • Infrastructure Hosting 

These operations fall outside of what we provide with our JDE managed services program and are typically bundled as projects, given that we must bring in resources outside of our CNC team.