erp news, tips, and strategy

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New Orchestrator Studio Features and Tips

The magic behind Orchestrator Studio, the powerful automation tool within JD Edwards that allows users to create and customize business processes and..
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Why JSON Web Token (JWT) SSO is the Best Choice for JD Edwards Login

Are you struggling with selecting the most secure single sign-on method for JD Edwards? Single sign-on options offer time-saving efficiency for the..
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Technical Requirements for JDE Barcode Solutions

When it comes to evaluating any potential change in your business architecture, one of your most important considerations will always be the issue of..
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How JDE Architecture Affects 64-Bit Upgrade Costs

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne has historically been a 32-bit C Business Function. Many components, like operating systems and web servers, have been..

Integration methods in JD Edwards: BSSV vs. AIS

Today’s digital ERP occupies a prime space inside the modern organization. Still, it hardly works alone. Part of an ever-growing digital ecosystem,..
Representation of EnterpriseOne runtime architecture Learn More

Designing JDE Orchestrator EnterpriseOne architecture

Application Interface Services (AIS) is the magic portal for exposing JD Edwards applications and data. That includes orchestrations. We shared a..