ERP Suites Blog

The Best JD Edwards Partner for Continuous Warehouse Improvements

Written by Manuel Neyra | Feb 22, 2023 3:05:20 PM

Because your barcode scanning solution sits at the critical juncture of your shipping and receiving process, it has the ability to either help you move mountains or bury you beneath them. As a JD Edwards-based scanning solution, ERP Suites Scanability combines technical flexibility with a partnership support strategy to keep your warehouse processes ahead of the game.


Partnership Support Strategy

Warehouse manufacturing and shipping and receiving issues don’t stop after your first implementation. Unfortunately, however, support often does. Many legacy barcode scanning solution providers leave you on your own after they’ve completed the initial installation and implementation. If you run into problems from then on and need help, you’ll have to hire consultants or purchase extended support hours. Consultants will be willing to work with you, but because they won’t know your business well, you’ll need to tell them what you want or need done, assuming that you’re clear on that yourself. You can think of this as a reactive support strategy, based on putting out fires as they spring up.

By contrast, ERP Suites employs a proactive, ongoing support model. We’re not going to sell you something and then abandon you. Rather, our team will work with you on a continual basis, getting to know your systems and business practices. This support approach allows us to bring you three levels of expertise: 

1. System Expertise

ERP Suites has a continuous improvement process. After the installation and implementation stage, our team continues to meet with you monthly looking for improvements in your warehouse processes. Not only does this help you identify issues or areas for optimization, but when an opportunity comes, our dedication to knowing your systems and process means a more seamless experience for you.

2. Industry Expertise

ERP Suites has experience with hundreds of businesses, including many years of experience in the warehouse and supply chain industries. As mentioned above, we don’t stop exploring opportunities, so we’ve seen it all. This industry expertise will help move your implementation along using best practices to keep your business operations running efficiently.

3. JD Edwards Expertise

At ERP Suites, JD Edwards is most of what we do every day. Our team understands the support process as well as the installation and implementation phases. We know the practical realities of using JD Edwards on a daily basis; and as we get to know your company, we can bring our combined expertise in JD Edwards and industry matters to guide you through the challenges that will help hone your competitive edge. You’ll also have the knowledge that, given our exclusive focus on JD Edwards, the cost of your support is directly contributing to our research and development projects, thus serving as an investment that will pay future dividends through continual improvements.

Other solution providers can offer product expertise: they know what they’re selling you, and they probably know it quite well. Most of these providers are not JD Edwards experts, however, and many lack business experience.


Flexibility Based on JD Edwards

Popular barcode scanning solutions integrate JD Edwards with third-party applications that use custom objects created in native scripting languages. As a result, when a company using these scanning solutions wants to upgrade its Tools release, change its business processes, or make some other kind of improvement, they’re forced to rewrite these custom objects as well. This can be a costly, time-consuming process, as it usually requires hiring consultants and/or purchasing additional support hours. For this reason, if you’re using one of these common legacy barcode scanning solutions, your ability to innovate your practices and keep current with Oracle JD Edwards releases can be significantly hampered. This problem has forced some companies to resort to ad hoc methods of shipping, receiving, and inventory control and tracking, such as trying to maintain physical inventory paper trails because they’re unable to fully integrate their systems.

By contrast, ERP Suites Scanability is entirely based on JD Edwards Orchestrations, which means that Scanability can evolve right along with your JD Edwards configuration. As a result, you won’t have third-party applications and their complex custom object coding holding you back when you need to move forward. Any changes needed in Scanability will be minor and easily accommodated, affording flexibility in your warehouse business processes. Additionally, because Scanability leverages native JD Edwards capabilities, it can handle inventory lot control, a powerful tool lacking in legacy barcode scanning solutions.

More Than a Barcode Solution

There are several JD Edwards barcode solutions to choose from, but there is one clear winner when it comes to a warehouse improvement partner. Combining Scanability with ERP Suites experts gives your business a continuous improvement strategy that will set you up for success. ERP Suites will look at the big picture using a proven process. Don't get stuck with other options that stay heads down implementing a product so they can quickly move on to the next sale and leave you with incomplete processes.