ERP Suites Blog

Infrastructure made easy with AWS serverless computing

Written by Dan Coyne | Dec 15, 2020 5:15:00 PM

Moving to the cloud puts you closer to time-saving tools and functionality you never realized you needed. Take, for instance, serverless computing. Grant it; the name is a bit misleading. It isn't about ditching servers though the goal is out of sight, out of mind. It's a model for managing capacity, patching, and other tasks behind the scenes. AWS serverless computing resources like Lambda and Fargate keep you focused on your forte—applications—not infrastructure.     

Infrastructure efficiency in almost any language

AWS Lambda is a serverless compute offering that allows you to run code without provisioning or managing servers. It means you're not spinning up instances, deciding what operating system to run, or making sure your infrastructure is right-sized. Once you've written your code, you upload it via a Zip file or container image. That's it.

Meanwhile, Lambda automatically runs and scales for your work accordingly. And it's quite proficient. Lambda can handle thousands of requests a second as quickly as it can a couple a week. It's multi-lingual too. So you can write in your favorite language: Java, Go, PowerShell, Node.js, C#, Python, or Ruby code.

Because most cloud customers are searching for cost savings, we were excited to hear about the new Lamdba pricing model announced at re:Invent 2020. AWS is now rounding code runtime duration to the nearest millisecond with no minimum execution time. (Why pay for an active application when you're not using it?) This change makes Lambda more affordable than ever and more relevant to countless use cases

Serverless compute that complements containers

Containers are a popular way to package application components. So prevalent in fact, Gartner predicts that 70% of organizations will have them in production by 2023. Containers allow developers to run applications in the same basic way whether on-premises or on the cloud. But switching to AWS, gives you options. 

With AWS Fargate, you can run containers in a serverless environment. Developers specify CPU and memory requirements, define a network, and launch. Then, Fargate allocates compute. It's an excellent addition to the toolbox for teams that regularly use Docker.

Similar to Lambda, Fargate offers an on-demand pricing model to help you control costs. You pay per-second based on the vCPU and memory consumed by your resources. 

When you move to the AWS cloud, you move to an environment that can do new things. Serverless computing through AWS Lambda and AWS Fargate allows you to focus entirely on application development, not infrastructure. Use it to improve your deployment time and lower the cost of operations.

Need help migrating to AWS or implementing an innovative idea? ERP Suites is an AWS Partner. We align cloud services with business goals to help you maximize your cloud technology investment. Learn more at